A Peter Pan , is a character in a fairy - tale. He goes to a place called Never-never Land where he never grows up.
All the children have grown up, there is only one exception - he was Britain\"s James barye described the little boy Peter Pan.
所有的孩子都要长大,只有一个例外——他就是英国的詹母斯 巴里笔下的小男孩彼得潘。
Jackson bought a huge property in California which he called Neverland after the children\"s story of Peter Pan.
In an island far from the United Kingdom - Neverland, life do not want to grow up a child will never grow up - Peter Pan.
Actually, Penny, he\"s Robin Hood. -I\"m Peter Pan. And I got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it.
其实上,佩妮,他是罗宾汉,-,我是彼得 潘。我手里还有一把有你名字的魔法粉。
But Tinker Bell can be nice . She helps Peter Pan . She helps the children. She\"s a cute little fairy.
Soon thereafter, in an effort to shake loose some pixie dust, Peter Pan gives her a right good spanking.
没多久之后,为了摇下她身上的仙尘,彼得 潘在她屁股上拍了好一巴掌。
Though you might not want this book to be a child\"s first experience of Peter Pan, it should interest anyone who already knows his story.
总的说来,这本书不仅仅适合孩子阅读,对于任何想要了解彼得 潘的人都会对这本书非常感兴趣。
What that amounts to appears to be something between the Lost Boys in Peter Pan and the young savages in Lord of the Flies.
If I were the magic flying Peter Pan, I would let every child enjoy the happy time and let the childhood be everyone\"s sweet memory.
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